
We believe that activism begins with the voices of survivors. Click each quote to read testimonies from survivors of predators in the music industry, and feedback from our beloved clients. Each author has granted TPRT permission to share their words. TPRT is a platform for survivors to share their own stories in their own words and we accept no legal liability as such.

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The Rule of Law for the Other Half”

Tom Sargent Memorial Speech to Parliament 11.8.23

- Dr. Ann Olivarius, KC (Hon) OBE, Survivor of Dr. Calvin Hirsch

“Today, I filed a lawsuit against Justin ‘Sane’ Geever, and his enablers.

- Kristina Sarhadi (USA), Survivor of Justin Geever

“Your silence enabled your leader’s violence.”

- The Punk Rock Therapist (USA), Survivor of Justin Geever

“It happened to me. It happened to all of us.”

- ”Suzanne” (USA), Survivor of Justin Geever

“They heard us and turned away and ignored us.”

- Annette (Western Australia), Survivor of Justin Geever

“I was always waiting for someone to speak up about who he really was.”

- Olivia ”Karina” (USA), Survivor of Justin Geever

“But for them it was just an attitude. They took us for a ride.”

- Ste (Switzerland), former Anti-Flag patron

“We need you to speak up!”

- “Lily” (USA), Survivor